Workers Lifestyle Group is proud to be in partnership with
The Better Foundation was created in 2016 to support Blacktown and Mount Druitt Hospitals. Blacktown and Mt Druitt Hospitals are Teaching Hospitals associated with the School of Medicine, Western Sydney University. We are working with the community to raise vital funds for state-of-the-art equipment, world’s best practice research and advanced education for all clinical staff: medical, nursing and allied health. Your support provides valuable equipment, resources and training that cannot be funded by the State Government budget.
The Western Sydney Diabetes (WSD) initiative has been established in response to the growing threat diabetes poses to our community’s health and wellbeing. It calls for all levels of government, the private sector and non-government partners to work together. The WSD initiative recognises that diabetes is everybody’s business and that partnerships between community health services, general practice, hospitals, specialist practices and allied health need to be improved so that people with diabetes or at risk of diabetes have access to more integrated and comprehensive diabetes services.
Learning Links is a charitable not-for-profit organisation established in 1972 by parents concerned about the lack of appropriate education and support services to meet their children’s needs.
We work to prevent learning difficulties from causing disadvantage by making high quality services available to children and young people in need, and by advocating on their behalf.
Look Good Feel Better is a free national community service program, run by the Cancer Patients Foundation, dedicated to teaching cancer patients how to manage the appearance-related side-effects caused by treatment for any type of cancer.
Stitches Collection® are a unique series of trademarked therapy dolls designed and made in Australia through the Creative Groundz Studio program.
The dolls are made by our amazing, diverse crew, including those with disabilities and mental health, to encourage dialogue with kids, their workers, and the general community on health, social, and mental health issues.
Carevan Blacktown, was founded in 2011 to assist and serve the community’s most vulnerable members, extending a helping hand to people experiencing social and financial disadvantage and hardship of all kind.
Foodbank is the largest hunger relief charity in Australia. A non-profit charitable organisation that believes everyone should have access to good quality food no matter their situation.
We work with other charities around the country to get food and groceries to those who could use a hand.
At Top Blokes, we’re here to support young males in challenging and nurturing them into becoming their best selves.
Our programs are a comprehensive toolkit designed to redefine what it means to be a ‘top bloke’ in today’s world by fostering healthy masculinities, build lasting friendships based on trust and respect. We focus on mental health, positive decision-making and leadership.
Older Women’s Network promotes the rights, dignity & wellbeing of older women. Seeking radical change for women as they age, we are the voice for them.
Running variety of different groups that women can belong to and feel connected.
Dandelion Support Network is a grassroots not-for-profit that supports children and families in need. We assist disadvantaged families with essential nursery items for their babies and children’s safety, well-being and development.
Blacktown Women’s and Girls’ Health Centre (BWGHC) is a non-profit community-based organisation that provides accessible health and wellbeing service to women and girls in the Blacktown LGA, regardless of income.
It is part of a network, of 21 women’s health centers in NSW, sharing common values and goals.
Youth Insearch runs one of the most successful youth intervention programs in the country. We work with at risk youth aged 14 to 20 supporting them to turn their disadvantages into their advantages, enabling them to reach their full potential. The program has a peer focus, on young people helping young people.